Salam Ramadan
Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi-Nya yang telah memberi nikmat tidak terhingga kepada hamba-hamba-Nya sehingga ke saat ini. Di tengah bulan Ramadan al-Mubarak ini, kita warga UIAM amat berbesar hati serta mengalu-alukan perlantikan Prof. Dato’ Dr Zaleha bt. Kamaruddin sebagai Rektor UIAM yang baru.
Oleh itu, saya, mewakili seluruh ahli Ma’ruf Club mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas atas perlantikan beliau. Selain itu, kami mengalu-alukan kedatangan semula Prof. ke Taman Ilmu dan Budi.
Umum mengetahui bahawa warga UIAM senantiasa menyemat penuh visi dan misi UIAM dalam melahirkan graduan dan warga UIAM yang mengamalkan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan. Maka, besarlah harapan kami, mahasiswa UIAM, mendambakan pengalaman Prof. yang sebelum ini yang pernah bertugas di Insititut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM) dan pernah juga menerima Anugerah Tokoh Pendakwah Negeri Selangor, dalam menerap Biah Solehah di bumi UIAM.
Bagaikan ibarat sirih pulang ke gagang, saya yakin dan percaya Prof. adalah yang terbaik untuk memimpin warga UIAM lebih-lebih lagi berbekalkan pengalaman Prof. yang pernah menjadi Dekan Kuliyyah Undang-undang sebelum ini.
Akhir kata, saya sekali lagi mengucap tahniah dan syabas serta selamat menjalankan tugas dengan penuh amanah dan integriti kepada Prof. sepanjang berkhidmat di UIAM.
Eikhwan Ali
Presiden Ma’ruf Club
Ramadan Kareem
Alhamdulillah. Praises be to Allah, the Most Bountiful and Most Gracious. It is only with His will that we are living at this moment. In this noble month of Ramadan, it is indeed great pleasure for IIUM community to welcome Prof. Dato’ Dr Zaleha bt. Kamaruddin as a new Rector of IIUM.
On behalf of Ma’ruf Club members, I would like to take this beautiful moment to congratulate and welcome Prof to the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue.
As we know, triple ICE is the vision and mission of IIUM. Hence, the whole community of IIUM is centered upon this vision and mission in producing students ingrained with Islamic values in their daily life.
Thus, we as the students highly hope that Prof will guide and lead us towards achieving Islamic environment in IIUM, since Prof had experienced Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). Furthermore, Prof also had achieved Anugerah Tokoh Pendakwah Negeri Selangor. As a former Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Law, I believe that Prof is the best person to lead us.
Again, congratulation to Prof. Dato’ Dr Zaleha bt. Kamaruddin as a new rector of IIUM, and we pray for Prof success in fulfilling responsibility towards IIUM community.
Eikhwan Ali
President of Ma’ruf Club
Alhamdulillah. Praises be to Allah, the Most Bountiful and Most Gracious. It is only with His will that we are living at this moment. In this noble month of Ramadan, it is indeed great pleasure for IIUM community to welcome Prof. Dato’ Dr Zaleha bt. Kamaruddin as a new Rector of IIUM.
On behalf of Ma’ruf Club members, I would like to take this beautiful moment to congratulate and welcome Prof to the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue.
As we know, triple ICE is the vision and mission of IIUM. Hence, the whole community of IIUM is centered upon this vision and mission in producing students ingrained with Islamic values in their daily life.
Thus, we as the students highly hope that Prof will guide and lead us towards achieving Islamic environment in IIUM, since Prof had experienced Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). Furthermore, Prof also had achieved Anugerah Tokoh Pendakwah Negeri Selangor. As a former Dean of Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Law, I believe that Prof is the best person to lead us.
Again, congratulation to Prof. Dato’ Dr Zaleha bt. Kamaruddin as a new rector of IIUM, and we pray for Prof success in fulfilling responsibility towards IIUM community.
Eikhwan Ali
President of Ma’ruf Club
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